The BITCOIN Maximus
Bitcoin Maximus, the gladiator of decentralized finance, battles Fiatus Paperius in the meme coliseum of Hypeus Memius. Armed with the Ledger of Truth and the Decentralized Sword, he rallies hodlers with cries of "To the moon!" and slashes through inflationary chains.
Pepius Maximus, the meme emperor, crowns him victorious as Bitcoin's dominance surges, inspiring hodlers to build a decentralized future, one block at a time.
Download the MetaMask extension from the official website and install it in your browser. Fund it by transferring ETH from an exchange or another wallet.
Connect to a decentralized exchange (DEX) like Uniswap, SushiSwap, or 1inch. Open the DEX website and click on "Connect Wallet". Then select MetaMask
To swap ETH for $BTCIUS, select ETH in the "from" field and choose $BTCIUS in the "to" field using our contract address. Enter the amount of tokens you want & press swap.
Verify your transaction status in MetaMask under the "Activity" tab or on Etherscan using your Ethereum address. You import the token to your MetaMask by pasting in the CA.